Tuesday 31 December 2013

SC Entertainment History - 2013

The Electric Oinks reunited to make an insanely bizarre and twisted new record called Secret Eyes. It was an instant hit and made all the young girls cry.

Meanwhile I was having a pretty nasty first part of the year and recorded a new fukachuk egg machine record. It is pretty angry and bleak. And definitely not something I listen to very often any more.

The good news is that I finished up work on World of the Uncanny, and it was amazing. Tons of crazy hard work paid off, and to date, at least as far as youtube views go, it is one of the most popular things we have ever done.

That year at the Comic and Entertainment Expo, we were invited to hold a discussion panel, show a short film about the history of SC and do a question and answer thing about making movies and stuff.. it was pretty cool. And we met the talented Jennifer Hartley there. Watch it here:

That May me and Elaine finally got married in Terry's backyard, surrounded by friends, family, flying saucers, and monster tentacles attacking us from massive paper mache craters we spent weeks building.

The summer produced a short film written and directed by my daughter Miette.. it is kind of spooky actually. It's called The Petal: http://youtu.be/fCk7SFj8i7k

I also spent a lot of time back in Britain, and discovered that Scotland is my favourite place ever. When I got back to Canada, I spent the rest of the summer building a huge sculpture of a Dodo in a box... It is actually really cool. The rest of my time was spent preparing for the super exciting SC Entertianment 30th Anniversary festival that was to take place at the end of August. I had gather some of my friends who made music, as well as Fukachuk Egg Machine, Dads with no Face, and the Electric Oinks. We were also to have film screenings and basically just a bunch of fun and celebrations.. my hope was to match the awesomeness of the SC 15th Anniversary festival that had taken place in 1998.. And it totally did. It was a great night.

After the Massive SC celebrations, I got back to work. I had decided to make another fantastic cartoon series, like Space Cow from years before. This time I would use other comic book characters from my past and decided that Dorriss Doom would be the main hero in a sci-fi adventure about defeating oppression. The cartoon was to be in 6 parts, and I got our new friend Jennifer Hartley to be the voice of Dorriss. By the end if the year the first two episodes were complete.

Monday 2 December 2013

Dorriss Doom is here!

Hello loyal followers of SC super action, the time is now!
Go watch the new action packed SC Animation: Dorriss Doom!
From the pages of SC Comics come your favourite super hero cats, and other anthropomorphic fun.
The first installment contains episodes 1 and 2, where Dorriss, Veltrax, Pattee, and Forclune begins their exciting adventure to take down the sinister Order of the Vetabanting Five!

Anyway, check it out and tell your friends.

Monday 11 November 2013

Dorriss Doom Cartoon Coming Soon!

Coming soon! A new exciting animated adventure series from the me who brought you loads of cool stuff, like space cow. Watch as Dorriss Doom, the amazing super hero cat goes on an adventure to save the galaxy! From the pages of SC Comics, comes Dorriss Doom! Episode one coming soon!

Starring the voice talents of Jennifer Hartley as Dorriss, Kelton Kolodychuk as Veltrax, Laura Schaff Stretz as Pattee, and a score of others, this is bound to be the most exciting thing ever to come from SC Entertainment.

Dorriss is on a mission to rescue Veltrax from the sinister Order of the Vetabanting Five, and also must free all the enslaved people from the Chocolate coated Empire from Venus! Basically, it will be awesome, and it's coming soon. It will be part of the SC Saturday morning line up like Space Cow, and Slim-Bot, with episodes being broken up with exciting Hosts, advertisements and other surprises!

Expect to see the first 2 episodes in the next couple of weeks!

Thursday 29 August 2013

SC 2013 Festival Videos and set lists.

I think I am done with uploading video from the big festival.. so here is everything...
I reserve the right to still release a live fukachuk egg machine album.
Maybe a even a live EO DVD or something.

Johnny Auchie
Really Me
Now He Knows
The Only One

You can watch his whole set here.

Electric Oinks
Ukrainian Dolls From Hell
Suicidal Religious Dogs From Hell
Mother Goose Eats Dinner at Cinthea's House
S & M
No Pants
Ghost Rape

Pee Pee Time

Drywall Respect

Fukachuk Egg Machine
The Actress
Crowded Hallways
Chip Shrinking

Lizard Girl
Zombie Boy
Doctor Hedges

This Nothing

Green Tail
Return of the Lizard Girl
Eggs For Sale

Emmelia Taylor
Little Girl

Dads with no Face
Board Head
Mental Institute

Wolf Man

Don't Feed Me Cheese
Squid From Hell
Hypnotic Qualities
Leather Boy

Cat Is Psycho
Zombie Attack

And here is the Highlight video with small clips from lots of the songs.

Monday 26 August 2013

SC 30th Anniversary Festival

The SC festival was good.. I would be willing to say it was at least as good as the festival 15 years ago... I probably would have liked there to be more people in attendance, but there was enough that it wasn't embarrassing, so I call that a win. And the people that did show up were so awesome, I can't complain at all. Even Jessica, our truest hard core fan from the 1990's showed up which was an exciting surprise for us.
The evening started out with some films and then opening for EO was Johnny Auchie, who had previously appeared in the short film 'Planting Buttons' as well as being in the latest feature film 'World of the Uncanny' as the mighty wizard Wendal. He played 3 songs that made every one weep with happiness.. the dude is crazy talented, and we were lucky to have him. Also he has been our friend for like over 20 years, so it is always just nice to see him. To check out his full set, you can follow this link:

Next up was the mighty Electric Oinks. The very first band SC Entertainment ever produced from way back in 1984. The set spanned their whole music journey to ridiculousness. The last time we played as EO was in 1997. But this year we came out with a new album, and have been blowing to collective minds of the universe ever since. Check out some songs from the show here:
EO - Pee Pee Time
EO - Ghost Rape

Unfortunately due to a sickness our third performer Jodi Robertson couldn't make it. She also has acted in World of the Uncanny as Mystic Kate. I suspect we will get her to play a show for us soon.

Next was Fukachuk Egg Machine (aka me) it was kind of my first time ever playing a show like this. I had played a bunch of times before, but it was mainly just me playing a live soundtrack to a film that I made.. this time it was more of a proper show, with me playing real songs in a set, just like a regular band. It was awesome, and I loved every minute of it.. the last time fukachuk played anything at all live was in 2005 at the science center.. 8 years ago. I missed it a lot.
Here are a couple songs from the fukachuk egg machine set:
Fukachuk Egg Machine - Doctor Hedges
Fukachuk Egg Machine - Chip Shrinking

Next up was the heavenly intonations of Emmelia Taylor, (Marla from World of the Uncanny)... her set was just one song, and even that was cut a bit short unfortunately, but who can blame her, she just got married this week, and was a bit on the too busy side to do much practicing. But you will see on the video below, what she did play for us was quite amazing.

And closing the evening was the greatest band this side of kalamazoo, Dads with no Face! However due to a recent family tragedy our amazing brother Scott was unable to show up to round out our trio of hypnotic squelching power.. lucky for us I am married to Elaine Boyling, and she stepped in with one day notice and played bass on the keyboards for us.. learning all the songs in a matter of a couple hours. And she did well, because we totally rocked out in a massive kind of way, bringing back all the excitement of the shows we used to play so many years ago. Check it out below.

I plan on uploading more full songs from the concert in the next few days, but in the mean time, please watch this compilation of highlights from the festival... it will blow your freaking mind wide open.

Friday 23 August 2013

SC Entertainment History - 2012

One of the first things I did in 2012 was to go to Britain, I came back and made some pretty exciting stuff.. well.. mostly I made a record, I had written all the songs while I was in the UK.

Also while I was in Britain I made a fukachuk film.. it was mostly just a video for one of the songs.

I also made a video for the song 'Spider Lizards', and other than a slightly bizarre short film I made one night called 'Two Sound' that is all the actual film I made that whole year.
But don't worry, I wasn't be lazy, not even a bit.
We went to the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo again this year, but it was over crowded and people were rude and angry the whole time, and Terry couldn't even get in. basically it was kind of horrible. At least we didn't have to pay for a booth, as our friend who owns a cult and hard to find DVD distribution place let us share his both so we could sell some of our stuff. Still though.. people were pretty nasty there that year.

It was the 20th anniversary of Dads with no Face, so a retrospective compilation album was made to celebrate the many loud and weird times we had as Dads with no Face...
That year me and Elaine worked very hard on an album that Elaine had been planning and working on for quite a long time.. I just had to get around to seeing how genius she was, and then I got to work also. The album was called the prehistoric disco, and I would have to say it is the definitive Dinojubilee record.. it encompasses everything that makes that band great.

Some time during the summer me and Terry and Elaine started having secret meetings around giant bonfires to work out a new and amazing plan for what would be Beefart & Cheenkaw's next adventure. The meeting were strange and filled with mystery.. so I can't really say any more about it.. but I got straight to work on making these things in to a reality. We even tried crowd funding for the first time ever to see if we could get a little extra money to make this movie.. and heck, we got almost $1000.. that is pretty sweet, and in SC money it is like $10,000.
Meanwhile me and Elaine weren't finished yet.. what do you do when you just made the greatest Dinojubilee record of all time? You decide to make a new band with electronic loops and droning guitars and echos all over the place, and you make a mega huge double album, half sung by each of us. We called it Lost Worlds... it isn't strictly not a part of the Dinojubilee universe.. but it isn't really Dinojubilee either.

I also started making a new comic called 'SC Comics Massive Adventure' and I was releasing it on facebook when ever I got one done.

So I wrote the script for this new film and the whole time I wrote it I listened to the soundtrack from the 1970's doctor who story 'The Sea Devils' on repeat, and if you have ever seen that one, you will know what state my mind was in while I wrote that script. Basically it was awesome, and we got to work making everything and shooting this thing. Again it is a tribute to everything that had happened before, but it was something so totally new and different. We had new main characters, and diabolical new villains and it is kind of the greatest thing ever when I think about it, I can barely believe that we made it. We filmed it to the end of the year, but the film wouldn't be done until 2013.

Thursday 22 August 2013

SC Entertainment History - 2011

So there was no fukachuk egg machine album released in 2010, but but February of 2011 I had released a new record.. it was kind of not very gloomy at all, so at first I wasn't sure if I should still call it fukachuk egg machine.. but I did, and in hindsight it totally is fukachuk.

But one of the best things that came from that album was the special video I made to promote it. It was a rip off of an old Shirley Bassey special from the 80's, and I called it: Blaise Kolodychuk: a very special man. I wore a fabulous dress and make up and was ridiculous... I kind of love it.

Elaine's sister had come over for Christmas of 2010, and stayed for quite some time. So I decided that I should make a movie with her in it.. it was a strange sort of fukachuk egg machine movie, but not really like any of the ones I had done in the past, thins one had a bit more of a story and dialogue and stuff.. it turned out very good actually. You can watch Planting Buttons here:


We again went to the comic and entertainment expo. It was still a good time, though we didn't really sell very much if I remember correctly... but it is always fun to go there and talk to people and hang out.

Then I started to make the biggest film I had ever made to date.. it was the sequel to the first Beefart & Cheenkaw movie, but I had also decided that I would also make it a sequel to the Bo-Bo movies as well and bring him and Rolf back... it was no small feat, because the iconic Bo-Bo mask has since disintegrated into nothing... and we could never find a mask that ever remotely looked similar to that in our journeys over the years. So the task was to make a new Bo-Bo mask from scratch. I am not a mask maker.. but I became one, and it worked out pretty good. (To be completely honest, it is not the strongest thing n the world.. but it looks good)
Anyway, we started production on Beefart & Cheenkaw 2 - Bo-Bo 7...

In the mean time, Dinojubilee was hard at work recording a 'real' album.. we also played a show at some metal bar downtown... it would have gone better, but even the staff made funb of us for not having a drummer... kind of made me feel like depeche mode in 1982 or something.
But the album was great, and mixed really great.. we called it People like you.

And by the end of the year, this absolutely beautiful monster of a film was complete.. It was, at the time, the most glorious thing I think SC Films had ever done. It was kind of a tribute to everything we had made over the last 25 years in a lot of ways, and had pretty much everyone fro the history of SC in it. I even built an entire sort of bat cave in my mother's basement.. complete with a giant blinking super computer. By this point in my life, I could probably say without lying, that I was an expert at building space stations in people's basements.

SC Entertainment History - 2010

Me and Elaine were making tons of Dinojubilee music. And released a bunch of albums that would end up being basically demos for what would later be our first 'real' album... but all the songs on the demos can be heard here:

I was still thoroughly busy making my stop motion film Olive, and I finally completed it by February. It might be the most beautiful thing I have ever made.

Along with Olive I also made a couple of short stop motion animations that were on the DVD.
The Magic Show and Olive and the Triceratops.

Something else that was kind of cool that year was I tried to start making a sort of regular SC News program, with the puppets Hank and Gerald as hosts.. it was kind of awesome, but only went for 3 episodes. February, March, and May.

Another incredibly cool, and sort of sad and annoying thing we did this year was to film a whole new series of Space Station Zero episodes.. we shot 10 whole new shows in one day and I planned like the other one to slowly edit them and make all the other segments and cartoons over the rest of the year. I made a total of 3 of the new episodes, and the remaining 7 episodes are unfinished raw footage that is still to this day doing nothing but sitting on my computer.
You can check out the 3 new episodes here:

We went, for the very first time, to the Calgary Entertainment Expo, and we have been back every year since.. in some capacity. It was awesome, and lots of people got excited about SC, and we met some very exciting new people, such and Jeff Robertson, and Emmelia Taylor, who would end up being very important SC people in the future.

One of the most wonderful things in my whole life happened that year. I got a $13,000 grant from the government to make an animated show, kind of like Space Cow was.. and I did it, and it was awesome, and I finally got to pay my friends for acting in stuff for me, and I bought a ton of equipment and other things, and the money was totally used well... and in the end I had made the amazing outer space adventures of Slim-Bot!

Thats right... There was No fukachuk egg machine albums this year. it was the first time since it started in 1998 that that happened....

Wednesday 21 August 2013

SC Entertainment History- 2009

The first thing that happened in 2009 was this giant double album and book thing that I made. It was ridiculous and the ultimate in fukachuk gloom. I was again living alone in a dark basement doing nothing but obsessing about every detail of the things I was making. It made for some pretty astonishing art actually.

I made a bunch of videos for this album as well..

Shortly after the album was done I also made this EP 'Return of the lizard girl' It had re-mixes of some of the tracks and a bunch of new songs as well. It was given away at a special event in one of the clubs on Calgary.

I then started to make my stop motion fairy tale masterpiece called 'Olive' It would take me over a year to finish, and I would make everything and do everything by hand, it was kind of unbelievably beautiful, and evolved in to something even better. I made so many sets and models and took thousands and thousands of pictures, I had never taken on a task as big as that before.. but I managed to keep going with it, despite multiple things that could have stopped me.

There was one new issue of SC Propaganda this year.

Then at some point, me and Elaine moved into a little basement apartment of our own, and the whole feeling of SC Entertainment kind of changed very quickly. It went from being a place of loneliness and doom to a place of ridiculous comedy and weirdness. 

Example one: We made Unicorn making a video. It was Elaine's film, and has become one of the most popular and beloved things SC has ever been involved with.

Example two: I wrote and produced the first Beefart & Cheenkaw solo movie, which was an unbelievable success.. and probably one of the most clever things I ever wrote.. Beefart and Cheenkaw had been solving crimes in SC Calgary for like 15 years at this point, but never on this scale of ridiculousness. Me and Terry would continue with these films for years to come.

Example three: Happy Balloon Shirt Man.

And finally, me and Elaine started up a new band, and band called Dinojubilee. And it was about bright colours and costumes and discos and dinosaurs and cats and breakfast food and 1950's sci-fi and the pioneers of the west. Basically it was amazing.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

SC Entertainment History - 2008

2008 was one of the strangest years of my life. The first thing that happened was that I finished and released 'A Zebra for Sally', which is still in my opinion one of the greatest films ever made, and made absolutely no artistic compromise whatsoever... thats probably why no one especially liked it but me.. however, here it is:

The next project was the new, after a 3 year wait, Death Ray Gun album called 'Furniture.' It was to be the start of a very full year of Death Ray Gun stuff, with the grand finally of Death Ray Gun sort of stopping being Death Ray Gun.

There was another issue of SC Propaganda Magazine released. And then I made a two hours or longer documentary film about the last 25 years of SC Entertainment.. and I'm super glad I did, because it is kind of awesome and tells the story in a pretty exciting way. Everyone was interviewed and I think it kind of gave what we had been doing with our lives some credibility.

Then I wrote recorded and released a new fukachuk egg machine record, it was called 'Hello Tree,' and at first glance you are like, this is pretty dark.. but then later on you realize that this is sunshine and kittens compared to the gloomopolis that I would have in store for everyone soon....

And then Elaine came to Canada, and we decided to be a non stop amazing machine making things at a break neck pace. We played a live show as Death Ray Gun, and made several movies.
The Death Ray Gun Amazing Adventure Show
Death Ray Gun - Tail
Mysteries of the Deep Blue Sea
Pet Snake

We also made a video for the song Pink is the colour:

We played another live show in top or the roof of a building downtown, released a live CD...
And also released a new album of random experimental noises...

Oh wait, by around that time I had also released another fukachuk egg machine album... slightly even more gloomy than the last... but it's okay, I then made an EP that was so gloomy it is obscene (Available with the download of Bear inside a box.)

This is a video from the EP 'Filled with Animals,' enjoy as much as possible.

I had also made a seriously self indulgent 13 episode series of just me talking about fukachuk egg machine and trying to explain all the stories and the tree of reason...  here is part one, it is a bit... something... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmT4EOLWjAg

I made a music video for Mix it with milk.

I made a brand new fukachuk egg machine movie called the small things.

Me and Terry made a totally genius short film called The Adventures of Francis and Demone.

I made a super duper art house film called 'Peas'

I did a 48 hour film race and made a film called 'Countdown to destruction'

And I made a short stop motion film called 'Pumpkin Getting'

And there are more things I won't even mention.... and that, was in fact my most prolific year of all time. Thank you very much.

SC Entertainment History - 2007

Space Station Zero! Yes, this was the year of Space Station Zero, where until the end of the year I was mostly just sitting at my computer editing and making all the various cartoons and segments that went in to Space Station Zero. It was a huge phenomenon, and it blew the collective mind of the entire galaxy. You can check out all the episodes made that year here:

And they were really the only films I completed that year.. mostly because it was something like 300 minutes long all together.

I did have time to make one album however, and it was one of the best, and one of my favourites. The concept was strong and it made all kinds of sense to me at the time. You can hear 'Small Things" here:

I was still making the SC Propaganda magazine and sending it out to people on our mailing list like the old days.
June 2007
November 2007

Me and Elaine, though we were taking a bit of a break from making music together for no particular reason, still did the impossible and make a video for one of our songs featuring both of us. Keep in mind she was still living in the UK at the time and we had never actually met in person yet... Here is the video for Small Amounts:

Elaine was also busy making her amazing double album 'Ghost Rights Activism' which to this day stands as one of her masterpieces. You can check out the website she made at the time here: http://scentertainment.freehostia.com/gra/gra.html

Elaine then helped me to write what I believed to be the scariest ghost story ever. I had been struggling with making a new feature film all year and trying to come up with some kind of consept that was surreal and strange and something that was very much about what I represented, and not giving in to anything else. In the end it was written by both of us and I am pretty sure it did the job perfectly. It wouldn't be done until 2008, but I am pretty sure it was entirely filmed in 2007. A Zebra For Sally would be one of my greatest achievements, and I nearly killed Terry with pudding!

Monday 19 August 2013

SC Entertainment History - 2006

Another year of tons of stuff being made. I might as well just list what happened and go from there.
Music.. in the land of fukachuk egg machine I started off with a live album and movie combo.. the songs on that record and dvd were probably the most vivid descriptions of horrible incidents that I had made up in my mind that had ever happened. Check it out here:  http://youtu.be/WIXBsAVMaqk
Or listen to it here:

After that I made the album 'Wooden Implant' it as pretty grim as well.

Me and Terry and Scott got back together for a special gig, and we called ourselves The Bloody Somethings, but we were just doing the same old songs that we had played a thousand times in the 90's.. it was crazy fun.

This was also the year that Toc Choi became a reality.. he kind of grew inside my stomach and clawed his way out of me pulling out lots of my insides with him as he went. I probably shouldn't talk about it much further for fear he might still be out there somewhere listening... I will just let you hear for yourself...

And if you are really brave you can even see what he looks like:
Cough drop box
Sack of meat

I finally finished the epic film Out of State, and it was premiered at the Calgary International Film Festival that year.. pretty exciting stuff. Check out the film here: http://youtu.be/gWo5CKC_cb0

My film Phaedra's Room was nominated for an Ampia award, and I went up to edmonton for the ceremony thing.. I however lost.

That was also the year I made Space Cow, which was an animated series about one of my very first comic characters.. it was pretty seriously involved and took a long time, it was all hand drawn and I taught myself how to do everything as I went along. All in all it was a great experience and I think it turned out great.

That year I also started making the print version of the SC Propaganda magazine.. it gained a lot of popularity for a few years.
October 2006
December 2006

Sunday 18 August 2013

SC Entertainment History - 2005

This may have been the most prolific year for making music in my life, even though I was seriously busy with college and work, and waiting for and having a new daughter in my life. Not really sure how I pulled it all off, but here are the albums that were made, fukachuk egg machine and death ray gun.

That was a lot of music. The good news is that these records were definitely slightly more hopeful that the last few albums that were made. Though they still had an uneasy sense of sadness about them. I guess it was just a weird time to be alive? That year I played a show as fukachuk egg machine (That would be my last fukachuk show until this year's upcoming concert at the 30th anniversary festival) Anyway, the show was at the Calgary science planetarium, it was very cool, and I made a new fukachuk film for the event. Probably one of the best, if not the best fukachuk film ever made. The Tragedy of Mary Kettle.
You can see the film here: http://youtu.be/sYkVbzmPoLM
You can watch the concert here: http://youtu.be/0jTjEnI4VsM

That was also the year I was chosen to write and direct the film for my school. It was called Phaedra's Room, and was about aliens taking over the world and all that sort of thing.

The last film I made that year was the animated short called The Logical Rumination. It was set to the sound of one of Elaine's songs.

The year ended with me deciding to take on another unbelievably ambitious idea to make another feature length film, I found an amazing cast of lots of people who were brand new to the SC world, and who would stay with me for years, it was a film sort of that took place in the fukachuk universe, and was about a cannibal who was trapped in the wrong dimension and wanted to go home by way of the tree of reason. It was crazy hard work, but set the template for many things I would do in the future. The film wouldn't be done until the following year, it was called Out of State.

Oh, and me and Terry started practicing together again under the name Hypnotic Sessions.. it would eventually become something.. sort of.

Saturday 17 August 2013

SC Entertainment History - 2004

Yet another another quite dark year in the land of my creations. One of the darkest things I ever made was the Near Jennifer films. They were a trilogy of animated tales about abuse and women and children and mental disorders and all sorts of fun things like that.
Check them out here: http://scentertainment-films.blogspot.ca/2004/06/near-jennifer.html
They were screened that year at the Albert College of Art and Design.

I made a few other short films that year as well. I was experimenting with different kinds of animation, that would make a more grand appearance in a couple years.

Veltrax talks about Drinking and driving
One with the fish
and Marble street notebook.


The big hugely deep dark thing I made that year was the album 'Boneless leg dog discovers the city" and if that cheerful album wasn't enough, I made a rather involved film for the whole thing that played at a strange little art festival downtown. The film was called "The Three Sticks" and had death, blood, loneliness, despair, and whatever other words you can use to describe my pretty frail mental state at the time.

You would think that was enough doom and gloom for one year, but you would be wrong.. I also made a self titled solo album (even though all my albums were solo albums) that was a total gloom fest self obsessed dive in to a pit of darkness. It really doesn't get much better than this...

That is a lot of music for one year you say.. but oh, wait.. me and Elaine had recently formed the giant megalithic super band called Death Ray Gun! And what did we do with this amazing thing we were creating? What else? Record 28 songs and release a huge double album!

All that plus I completely re-edited Bo-Bo 5, and Fowler Creek for DVD releases, was busy getting a 4.0 GPA in film school, and working part time at the print shop, and there was a new EO christmas song, and a bound and printed retrospective book about fukachuk that included 2 CDs. Looking back on it it seemed as though I was trying to avoid reality. And this wasn't even the busiest year I would have...

SC Entertainment History - 2003

2003 was another pretty dark year for fukachuk egg machine, the album was called 'The Town Fair' and it was almost as grim as they come.

There were two fukachuk egg machine movies that year to support the two live shows that took place. Room number Four and The Pet.

I also was working on a stop motion animated series called 'What the Bunny Saw' that was to be included on a DVD compilation of short films. I also made another new short film to include on the compilation, it was called 'The Head' and it was about alien abduction. A topic I was increasingly becoming more obsessed over.

This is the year I finally started to edit on a computer for the first time.

I had started film school this year, and me and Elaine had decided to start making music together again near the end of the year, and finally become Death Ray Gun.

Thursday 15 August 2013

SC Entertainment History - 2002

In 2002 Elaine was finishing up the Violet Tumble trilogy with the release of the Eating record, and I made a record called 'A day on marble street.' That was sort of an experimenting record trying to use all sorts of different kinds of computer programs and other electronic things to make noises. I was also trying to get some kind of a record deal outside of my own little universe.. but that never happened. Netwerk records liked me, but they didn't love me. I never really tried anything like that ever again I don't think.

Paul was gone, and I hadn't made a real film in years. He had been pretty much in charge of most of what was happening in SC Films outside of the Bo-Bo movies. But I had had enough of nothing happening, and making films was one of my favourite things that we had ever done, so I took it upon myself to revitalize the excitement of SC Films. I got a video camera.. that was the first step.. now I could do anything, so I did. The first day I made a short film, but that wasn't enough for me... I decided I would make a massive huge feature length film, with special effects and animation and a cast of like 20 people, and no money whatsoever. It was called Cindy Mae and the Collar of Doom, and it was like 2 hours long by the time it was all done, and in retrospect, it dragged on a lot, but everything was there.. Beefart & Cheenkaw made a triumphant, all bet brief return to form, space cats, slit throats, exploding lakes and bizarre dream sequences. I even made my first computer animated short to go with the film. Anyway, it proved to me and everyone else that SC Films could do anything it wanted to again, even without the genius of Paul, and it was full steam after that.