Monday 9 May 2016

Night of the Shadow People to start shooting in July!

My new film, Night of the Shadow People has finished casting, and is in full pre-production, with costumes, props and sets starting to be made. It is all very exciting.
Please help us to reach our very tiny funding goal of $1000. Either by making a donation (Which actually would just translate into pre-ordering a copy of the film), or by sharing the link with people you know. Let's make this movie as totally amazing as possible!

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Electric Oinks Radio Feature

The Electric Oinks were lucky enough to have an entire radio special dedicated to them on CJSW this week (Thank you Penny and Smoth).. Enjoy the mysteries and totally uncomfortable sounds of me and Terence. Not suitable for kids!!

The playlist is...

Cat is psycho - 1984
Carbonated mustard - 1988
Neon Bells - 1989
Joey and his bike - 1990
No Pants - Live in studio
Ghost Rape - Live in studio
Pee Pee Time - Live in Studio
Adventure's end - 2015

The Electric Oinks entire 30+ year back catalogue of music can be downloaded for free here: