Tuesday 8 December 2020

Teaser photo montage for Rabbit Ears

 One of the several huge projects I am currently working on is the 12 episode season of a new show for kids called Rabbit Ears. Here's a little teaser with the theme song.

Wednesday 30 September 2020

Nandi Bear Tenants Book 4

So you may or may not have noticed I have been writing and drawing the next book in the exciting Nandi Bear Tenants series... Still looking for people to take an interest in it. I just want to explain why I'm asking for donations. Aka pre-orders... As it's not really generally my style. I make lots of things, and people generally get very excited to participate and to enjoy the stuff I do. I make movies. Big shot feature movies with next to no budget. I put any extra money I have into making to best products I can. I also make music. Which is probably the most personally time and soul consuming thing I do. And as part of the idea behind what SC Entertainment is I make everything available for free to enjoy. Every movie and album I ever made is available right now on the internet for free. Please go watch, listen and download! And tell your friends! My point is, the Nandi Bear Tenants books are not manufactured by me. I just don't have a printing press in my basement... So I have to get them made somewhere else. And it's pretty expensive. When I finish the new book I will want to get as many printed as possible. Not just to fulfill people's orders but so I have extra to sell and give away at comic shows and stores. I love my comics, and they have been a huge deal to lots of kids over the years. 

So basically that's why I'm asking you to support my new book. It's the one thing I really don't have the power to give away for free. I would if I could. 

I love you!


Sunday 19 July 2020

Undoing Daphne's End - A New Record By Blaise Kolodychuk and the Fukachuk Egg Machine

It's been an intense year for everyone. And it has been no different for me... So here is an album reflecting a lot of what has transpired this year. Including the death of my mother to Covid-19.

Another interesting little fact about this record is that the only instruments played are guitar and drums. No synths this time. Which means it kind of swings back and forth from a punk rock record to a folk record. Anyway, I like it, and I hope you do too.

Check it out here:

You can get all the info including lyrics at the official FEM website:

Sunday 29 March 2020

Nandi Bear Tenants Book 3 - Mega Madness

Now available!

The official Comic Book Adaptation of the hit Feature Film!The Nandi Bear Tenants go on an all new adventure! Cats are missing, friends are turned to stone, entire species are being eaten, and long necked stretchy blue ladies are being very annoying. Also Vampire Badgers.It doesn't end with the adaptation.. also included are Oliver's first adventure as a superhero, and a prelude to Nandi bear Tenants Book 4!


Friday 20 March 2020


March 20th 2020
Just click this link and you're in!

I hope you enjoy, and I hope you are all doing well tonight.

Thank you for being a part of my creative output.

Sunday 1 March 2020

The Ghost Tank Blu-Ray: Now available.


What happens when you die? Beetrice and Charleenkaw are on the case when a dead serial killer from the 1980's has come back to commit string of bizarre murders in Calgary. Luckily they are helped not only by a brilliant scientist, but also one of the victims. Leaping back and forth between our world and the ghost world the clues come together and culminate in a supernatural, time travelling, terrifying time!


Blu-Ray includes the full length movie with chapter selections.
Bonus features include:
The Ghost Hank - A Short Film
A Behind the Scenes Featurette

Wednesday 12 February 2020

The Ghost Tank Premiere Screening and Trailer

The Ghost Tank will be finally hitting the screen on February 29th 2020!
It's been a long year of hard work since beginning this film, and it all came together beautifully!

For info on the upcoming screening go here: https://www.facebook.com/events/619325605493284/ 

It will be available on the internet and to purchase on Blu-Ray shortly after the screening, if you miss it.

Here is the official trailer!!