Join Beth the Bunny, Mr. Blaise and Magic in the Rabbit Ears New York
television studio for the very last time!
This episode features:
Nandi Bear Tenants!
Pun Pun and Dave!
Rabbit Ears Reviews!
Galaxy Weather!
and lots more!
Beth Murray
Blaise Kolodychuk
Elaine Boyling
Guest Starring:
Randolph West
Jennifer Illanes Hartley
Rachelle Ymay Skilling
Kelton Kolodychuk
Kaziah Schriml
Ava Wheeler
Terence Ramsay
Zora Ismail
Sophie MacLellan
Beau Skilling
Kate Stokowski
Alaya Palacio
Ward Skilling
Gus Williams
Zena Ukisu
Liz Contos
Mary Armstrong
Sarah Moon
Gus Williams
Terence Ramsay
Frankie VanRooyen