Thursday 23 February 2006

February 23 2006

First off it was Terry's Birthday a couple days ago.. so happy birthday to him and his eternal youth... As you can see I have updated the look of the website, especially the section where you watch movies... All the movies are now hosted on the you tube web site, and as such they are all macromedia flash... which will be a great relief to all of you who hate real player.. so go there and watch tons and tons of sc movies.. I have added "The Tragedy of Mary Kettle Live" there as well, so if you want to go see some live fukachuk, I would recommend watching that. I hope you all enjoy. If you have any suggestions about more movies I should post up there, just let me know.. there is a list of everything we have done in the Catalogue section of this web site. Out of State premiered at Barry's shack last saturday, and it seemed as though everyone was impressed... which is good.. I think.. after all the work I put in to that. I have been submitting it to various film festivals around the world.. no word yet on any of them... but the movie is so good I would be surprised if it got snubbed by everyone.. !! But you don't really have to wait to find out if it will be coming to a cinema near you to see it... just head over to and find out how you can get me to send you a copy right now.. In other news, this sunday I will be doing something insane... history making amounts of insane.. you will all get to find out about that soon enough.
That is all for now...
Blaise Kolodychuk

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