Wednesday 5 March 2008

SC Propaganda March Issue and more...

So there are a lot of exciting things you need to know about...
Firstly, if you haven't heard, A Zebra For Sally is now done and ready to be watched by anyone who dares... it's my new movie all about ghosts and possession and haunted houses and Priests and Cheenkaw and a very special Zebra... sound exciting? it is.
more more information go to
The next issue of SC Propaganda is out NOW, and if you are on the SC mailing list it will be headed your way at this very moment. and for those of you who don't know, SC Propaganda is a paper magazine that I publish every few months that is packed full of exciting news and art and other things that make all the children coo. There is often free gifts that go along with the magazine. There is no price, and if you don't receive it already you should send me your mailing address to be put on the super special SC Mailing List!
March 1st also marks the release of DEATH RAY GUN's 5th amazing album! It's called Furniture and has 18 songs on it... it is actually my favorite Death Ray Gun album ever made.. and because I am so ridiculously proud of it, it will be included with the upcoming SC Propaganda! Death Ray Gun is a band that was sort of started in 2000 as Fukachuk Pandora Machine by Blaise Kolodychuk and Elaine Boyling.. in 2004 The name was changed to DEATH RAY GUN, and we have been making the most exciting music on the planet ever since..
for more info on Death Ray Gun and everything else in the SC Universe, go to the death ray gun page.
2008 is SC Entertainment's 25th Anniversary! And I am in the midst of making a super cool documentary movie about all the boffo things that have happened in the last quarter century! So get ready for that, and a lot more special things over the next few months.. I'll keep you posted. Also, if you think you have anything you would like to contribute to the SC Movie, please let me know and we could set up an interview.
There is always more to say... but I will say the rest later...
Thank you all so much for your support of bizarre art projects masked as music and film.

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