Thursday 3 April 2008


Hello one and all..

I just wanted to ask for your help on a couple things..

The most amazing group of superheros, DEATH RAY GUN, aka Blaise Kolodychuk and Elaine Boyling will be playing a LIVE show on July 25th 2008..

Pretty amazing I think... but here's the problem.. we don't have anywhere to play.. all we have is an amazing plan and a bag of dinosaur bones.

If there is anyone in Calgary who could hook me and Elaine up with a place to play our show for that day, it would rule the universe...

Why don't we play somewhere that other bands play? Because we are planning on doing like a hour and a half, two hour set of music, and we want total control over the situation to do whatever we want.

So we need like a house.. or a basement.. or somewhere that can fit some people and where we can all have a good time.

Do we have money to pay you? Hell no... Death Ray Gun Live should be all the payment you need.

I would rather it be someone I know in person already.. but any offers I get would be appreciated.

Please help us!

Second on the list.. DEATH RAY GUN ARE PLAYING LIVE JULY 25th somewhere in CALGARY!

yes it's true.. what I would like to know is, how many of you would like to come out and have a strange night of music with me and Elaine? (This may also help is choosing a suitable venue, once we know how many people will be there, if there is a big enough interest, we may just rent out a hall or some sort)
Please RSVP!

This event may only take place once in your life time.. so I would suggest you do anything you can to make it.

Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from all of you!

Thanks everyone!


p.s. Become a fan of Death Ray Gun, and Fukachuk Egg Machine on Facebook!

p.p.s. Did I mention the ultra amazing Terry Ramsay will be playing drums for Death Ray Gun? Well he is....

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