Tuesday 26 August 2008

SC is 25 years old on August 27th

Hello.. it's true. a quarter century of SC Entertainment is upon us...

I was supposed to have a super fantastic new issue of SC Propaganda ready for this momentous occasion... and I was hoping to have some sort of amazing SC festival or something.. somewhere... but alas... time has run out, and I have run out of time to do a lot of things as usual. I hope it doesn't detract from your own personal celebrations.

SC is what it has always been... a place for people to create things, without having to worry about all the things that the world has put in place to make a creative environment a restrictive and sad thing to be a part of. I have done my best over the years to change the entire universe by making weird music in my basements and pointing video cameras at people doing bizarre things... it is only that on the surface obviously.. it is me really trying to bring people together and trying to make people see that things are possible... trying to help the people involved understand all the huge amounts of things that they personally can do that they never thought could ever be possible... and for anyone who gets to see or hear or touch anything that SC has made to open up their minds to realize how big the world can actually be if you look at it in such small pieces. and just by these things existing, it does something for everyone else who doesn't even know they exist...

it would be a nice thing if everyone could just open up and spill out all the things inside...

what i hope for the future of sc... i hope it happens... i hope some how people all over the world will realize that they CAN do what they want to do.. and not worry about feeling stupid or left out or marginalized in any way. SC is about looking at all the things around you that are happening, and really finding all the best parts of it.

you can either watch vacuumicus and see a shitty zero budget monster movie.. or you can see it as something totally amazing that was made out of nothing by some friends who really cared about something special.

thats what i mean by sc.... and my hope is that people can really open up to the amazing things that are possible by EVERYONE.

What can you do to help? Don't walk by when we are planning something huge... find out how you can be a part of it... everyone has something they can do that makes them feel good... and I'm the kind of person who can use what ever you got....

(I'll make a werewolf movie one day... i promise........)

in the mean time..

go watch the sc 25th anniversary movie: http://scentertainment.myartsonline.com/sc25/index.html

some more things I have made recently... video from the death ray gun show, and some short movies by death ray gun:

the next 25 years will be even more fantastical... and maybe even a few of my predictions will come true...

never give up hope when people care so much about what they do...

-Blaise Kolodychuk

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