Saturday 20 September 2008

September in SC Town


So here's the scoop. It is September, and there are a couple new things that have happened.. and about 50 million new things that will happen... unfortunatly most of those things are still secrets.. so you will have to wait.. except let it be known that I am currently writing a new movie to make, and it will go further beyond anything that has ever been done... i know I say that every time, but it is also sort of true every time.

Any way.. new things.

There is a new short film you can watch, it's called Bruno.. and it is starring Elaine Boyling and it involves a chance meeting in my basement.

go here:

Secondly I have finally put my big ol' film "A Zebra for Sally" on-line for everyone to watch... in case you have never seen it, now you can.. without leaving the comfort of your own home..

see it here:

and lastly death ray gun played some live music on a rooftop the other day... here are a couple pictures.. there will be some video shortly.

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