Saturday 14 February 2009

Looking For Lizards Out Today.

The new double album and book set is out today... I had an ultra exciting free draw, or raffle, if you will, for 10 free copies of this set. I have had a modest amount of entries.. which just sort of proves to me that not a lot of people care much about the things I do.. even when I go on and on about how much it means to me.. that's fine.. I'm used to it.. it just means the few people who actually were interested in the things I do will all be rewarded.. since there wasn't much more than ten enties any way, I will give everyone who put their name in the draw a copy of the record. It also means I wasn't quite prepared for more than ten free records, so i am going to have to get some more made.. but it matters not.. I'm sure I will have them out in the mail by the end of the week. 
If for some reason you are still interested in owning my new records, please e-mail me.. I will be selling physical copies, and giving away digital copies that you can down load.

To the people that entered the draw, you all won, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for having an interest in the things I do... because it is basically all I am.

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