Thursday 7 October 2010

Slim-Bot is done!

Just a short note to let everyone in the universe know that the most amazing animated space adventure of all time is now done! (well done rendering anyway...) There will be more announcements in the coming weeks about how it will be released and where you can get it or see it or whatever!

So soon I will be able to get on with all the other projects that have been piling up over the last 6 months.. such as Ten new episodes of Space Station Zero, a new album by me, Blaise Kolodychuk.. which I have already recorded about 13 tracks for over the last year and a half... some possible upcoming live shows by Elaine Boyling and Dinojubilee, New Dinojubilee recordings... as well as some old fashioned experimental horror that has been lacking in my life as of late.

But never mind all that now... SLIM-BOT is done!!

A Slim-Bot website will be up within the next week or so I imagine.

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