Tuesday 14 June 2011

Come see us at the Entertainment Expo this weekend!

Don't forget to come down to the Calgary Entertainment Expo this weekend and come see us... and buy all our cool stuff, and give us the emotional support we need to keep going day after day.. year after year..
I am gonna have a bunch of CDs for sale, including the ultra fashionable new fukachuk egg machine CD 'The amazing Ostrich Transit System'.. I will also have loads and loads of DVDs that you need to come get.. such as the ridiculously super amazing SLIM-BOT dvd.. as well as various other old favourites that you need to bring home and put in your collection. And to top it off, the brand new super beautiful new issue of SC MAGAZINE will premiere there.. full of amazing new comics and art from Trevor Phillips, Emmelia Taylor, Vahini Govender, and not to mention a Beefart and Cheenkaw adventure, an Olive adventure, a new Slim-Bot adventure, and even a Mr. Ice Cube comic from myself... basically this is the coolest best issue of SC Magazine ever, and the only place you can get it is at the Entertainment Expo... So I will expect to see you there... who ever you are.

Starts Friday The 17th at 4:00 pm and goes until Sunday at 5:00 pm
It's at the Stampede grounds at the BMO Centre
More info: http://www.calgaryexpo.com/

In the mean time, go watch this: http://youtu.be/3olhZNJ6G2w

Love Blaise

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