Monday 27 August 2012

29 Years of Exciting Art

Today is August 27th.. that means it is SC Entertainment's anniversary.. it has been exactly 29 years since me and Terry came up with a name for the weird things we do. A lot of things in the world have changed since 1983.. mainly, I am taller. Other than that though, I am still making up crazy stories and music and stuff and making my friends take part and have fun whether they like it or not. Me and Terry and Elaine, and all the other people through the years who have helped us to build a huge HUGE catalogue of music, and movies, videos, comic books, stories, and all kinds of interesting artistic projects are heroes! Yes, that's right.. we get nothing in return, we occasionally get people telling us to stop bothering them, and sometimes if we are lucky we get people telling us that they liked something we do. This isn't our job, or how we make a living.. though I wish it was.. but it keeps getting done, year after year.. making what I consider to be the world's greatest films and music.... anyway.. we rock, Happy anniversary SC, you are awesome and have given my life meaning. Word up.

A few years ago we made a documentary about the history of SC.. if you have a chance today, please check it out.. it may give you a greater appreciation for our life's work.

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