Saturday 27 July 2013

SC Entertainment History - 1983

I am officially starting to get all nostalgic about SC with it's 30th Anniversary coming up in about a month, so I am going to try to post a new article every day until then.. going through the 30 years of SC awesomeness. (I was pretty productive most of those years.. but I can't guarantee more than a couple sentences sometimes... First up is our first year 1983. That was the year Return of the Jedi came out, and in a way I blame that, as well as my massively creative brother and sister for the creation of SC Entertainment... you see after Return of the Jedi came out, and I went to go see it, my imagination went wild and I needed to create things.. I was already a huge fan of comics so I started there.. I started making my own Star Wars comics.. and also my very first superhero Captain Trash. Me and Terry were already friends, and our love of Star Wars and drawing turned us into a team.. and on August 27th we were sitting on his front steps and we came up with a name for our comic company, and it was Super Cool Comics... (SC for short. Keep in mind, we were freaking 7 years old!)
A couple weeks after that happened, Elaine Boyling was born from the midichlorians of SC's creation.

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