Saturday, 3 August 2013

SC Entertainment History - 1990

And then the 90's started. and it was to be the most exciting decade for SC for a lot of reasons...

EO was now experimenting with guitars and drums and would soon be morphing into a sound that was more like Dads with no Face was. There were 2 EO albums this year, Wheat farmer's cow, and Rabid Bunnies. Both were actually really popular around our school, and it was at the point where people were requesting that we made them copies of our tapes.

We were making a ton of videos for our songs (above you can see the kind of ridiculous things we were doing,) and continuing with the Halloween Horror saga. Halloween Horror Part 2 came out this year, and was kind of a random mess of various scenes we had shot.
I think it was around this time we first started hanging out with Paul Whittington, who would soon add to the mayhem of SC Films.

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