Tuesday 27 August 2019

SC Entertainment 36 years Today.

Today marks 36 years since me and Terry created SC Entertainment in his front yard. Originally called Super Cool Comics, we were 7 years old and basically the coolest people who ever lived. Super Cool in fact. Soon we started making music and movies and we were basically a beautiful unstoppable force of nature making things all day long and forcing our friends to join in, whether they wanted to or not. 36 years later, nothing has really changed. I am still making stuff all day long, not getting paid for it, forcing and begging people to help me at every turn, and creating insane projects that will one day change the world. This part of my life is so fulfilling and good. Creating teams to work on movies, discovering people's hidden talents, making actual dreams come true and secretly pushing my socialist agenda on unsuspecting normals 😉.
It's been a hell of a year, but again, I'm lucky I can explore things and deal with big issues by using art and film and music to understand why the world is the way it is. And I'm lucky to have the group of people I do, who like to make crazy stuff as much as I do. Anyway, Another year of SC in the books. Next year will see a pretty remarkable feature film, a rare live fukachuk egg machine show and who knows what else... I definitely have some secret plans that need to come true. Happy Birthday SC.

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